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Blog #19 - World's Toughest Row Fleet Update- July 15, 2023

33 Days on the Pacific Ocean!

Since our previous update, we've celebrated the monumental achievements of two of our finishing teams! Kiwi Fondue have claimed the title of Overall Winners and World Record Holders - what an incredible moment!


While some journeys conclude, 11 teams continue to brave the vast expanse of the Pacific. Their days, dictated by the rhythm of their oars and changing weather, are filled with both lows and wonders. The journey is physically taxing, and the aches are a constant reminder of the exertion this adventure demands. However, we must remember that recovery, just like the ebb and flow of the ocean, is a part of this journey.


In between their rowing shifts, our teams encounter the breathtaking beauty of the Pacific, an experience that's impossible to tell in words. From encounters with lively dolphins and curious fish to the spectacle of beautiful sunsets and night skies. When not rowing, our teams attend to the essentials of life at sea - preparing meals, maintaining personal hygiene, taking much-needed rest, and even taking the occasional, refreshing plunge into the ocean.


Weather continues to be an important factor, dictating much of our crews' strategy. The current system, shifting southeast to northwest along the islands, is under constant monitoring by our dedicated Safety Team. As this weather system has grown and now starts to subside, models show varying outcomes. The most extreme of these predicts steady winds of 22 knots around Kaua’i on the 19th of July, with gusts reaching up to 30 knots. However, this is a brief window, and our crews will either have made landfall before it arrives or will be far enough out to sea to avoid any significant effects.


As always follow our social media for updates on times of arrivals for our teams and the latest updates!


Join us as we check in to see the highlights from our inspirational teams!


Under 500NM to go!

Pacific Discovery - 93NM to go!

Fours · R45 · Pacific Discovery

Pacific Discovery are on the final stretch and the finish line is almost in sight. In a moment that'll surely be told and retold, Celo took a surprise trip and fell into the ocean, thankfully only getting wet! A trio of playful dolphins have also paid them a visit. These last miles are proving to be as memorable as the rest of their journey.


Pacific One - 155NM to go!

Fours · R45 · Pacific One

With nothing but sheer willpower propelling them forward, Pacific One is braving the high seas and higher temperatures. Each stroke is a promise to themselves to keep going, all with the dream of feeling the sand beneath their feet at their destination. Eyes on the prize, Pacific One!


Ohana - 214NM to go!

Fours · R45 · @ohana

Ohana is riding the waves with their eyes set on the finish line! Spotting some tuna and mahi-mahi was a mood booster and they are pushing hard on the oars. Determined and steadfast, they're reeling in the miles.


HODL - 412NM to go! Leading the Trios

Trio · R45 · HODL

Setting their sights on a World Record, team HODL is unstoppable. Their spirits are high, and despite the tiring journey and a growing longing for coffee and fresh fruit, they're smashing through the miles. The tan lines and beards are growing in!


Brothers ’N Oars - 437NM to go!

Fours · R45 · Brothers N' Oars

Brothers ’N Oars are keeping up the pace! Their water heater has decided it's time to pack up, which meant they’re only able to eat their meals cold. Who needs warm food when you've got a burning spirit?


Row Aurora - 479NM to go!

Trio · R45 · Row Aurora

Row Aurora's have a new feathery friend, which they’ve named Stephen! He paid kept them company for an hour on their boat. Our trio are keeping everything positive and know how to have fun throughout the hardships.


Under 1,000NM to go!

Team Antigua Island Girls - 517NM to go!

Trio · RX45 · Team Antigua Island Girls

The Antigua Island Girls are close to breaking under 500NM! Tired? Yes. Stopping? No way! Every oar stroke is bringing them closer to the finish line. Our trio are relentless and their supporters are cheering them on every step of the way!


Ocean’s 4 - 671NM to go!

Fours · DOR34 · Ocean's 4

Who says you can't have a birthday party in the middle of the ocean? Astrid from Ocean’s 4 celebrated in her birthday with a cake, candles, and a front-row seat to a breathtaking sunrise. They also had a special visit from four dolphins!


Pacific Floaters - 704NM to go! Leading the Pairs

Pairs · R25 · Pacific.floaters

Since our last update, Pacific Floaters have overtaken Aloha Kai and are now leading the Pairs! If that wasn't exciting enough, they've had a potential close encounter with a great white shark! Cue in the ‘Jaws’ music.


Aloha Kai - 1905NM to go!

Pairs · R25 · Aloha Kai 2023

As Pacific Floaters passed our duo, Aloha Kai managed a quick chat over the VHF radios - congratulating them and saying hello! With the weather warming up and the wind and currents on their side, they're setting a steady course towards Kaua’i. Let’s go, Aloha Kai!


Under 1,500NM to go!

Flyin’ Fish - 2007NM to go!

Fives · R45 · Team FlyinFish

The end of their auto tiller has broke and they were able to fix it. Morale is high! Andy was hit between the eyes by a flyig fish which was the first wildlife they have seen for a long time. Looking forward to taking a stop to dip in and have a swim.


Race Finishes

Kiwi Fondue Overall Winners World Record Holders - Fastest Team to Cross the Pacific Ocean - 29 days, 17 hours, and 29 minutes

Ocean Warrior - 31 days, 17 hours and 12 minutes


Row4ALS have safely made it back to the shores of California following their decision to terminate their row.

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