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Blog #16 - World's Toughest Row Fleet Update- July 6, 2023

Eat, Sleep, Row, Repeat


Our rowers have been at sea for over 24 days! Eat, sleep, row, repeat — this relentless cycle becomes your new reality. With every repetition, you're faced with a silent question: Are you capable of enduring this? The decision rests solely with you, and you have to keep on choosing ‘Yes, I can’. Invisible battles within yourself and the smallest decisions can snowball into massive actions, even as big as crossing an ocean in a rowing boat.


Now that our team of five Team FlyinFish have made West after their lost rudder, the entire fleet will now be in a position to benefit from the from the changing conditions. Despite the fluctuating wind from NNE to occasional E, there are no significant obstructions in the forecast. More elusive, are the effects of the shifting currents that change hour by hour. Many rowers have noted an unexpected ebb and flow in their speed, without a clear cause. Amid these conditions, the fleet has encountered wildlife including whales, jellyfish, sunfish and a lot of flying fish! There have also been reports of a significant amount of debris, a stark reminder of humanity's footprint on even the most remote corners of the Earth.

For those rowers who can, conversations are energised with anticipation of stepping onto solid ground once more. For those who are yet to pass halfway, the adventure is far from over.


For those eager to track the journey's final stages, updates on the estimated times of arrivals and live viewing instructions will be shared on our social media channels.


Under 500NM to go!

Kiwi Fondue - 459NM to go! Leading the Fours

Fours · R45 · IG - @kiwifondue

The finish line is almost in sight! The current standing record is 30 Days, 7 Hours & 30 Minutes, so it will be a very close call. They’re taking in every moment of their final stretch and enjoying those beautiful sunrises.


Under 1,000NM to go!

Ocean Warrior - 557NM to go!

Fours · RX45 · IG - @oceanwarrior

In harmony with the mighty ocean, team Ocean Warrior is not missing a single beat. Their oars slice through the waves as the are driven by the thought of seeing loved ones waiting at the finish line at the end of their journey.

Pacific Discovery - 752NM to go!

Fours · R45 · Pacific Discovery

Our intrepid four have come to understand that the challenge of the ocean isn't just physical. Navigating their rigid two-hour on, two-hour off schedule, it’s even more proven that the journey is a test of mental fortitude as much as it is of physical endurance.


Pacific One - 797NM to go!

Fours · R45 · Pacific One

The Pacific One team is relishing their adventure and their journey has recently been punctuated by signs of other humans through glimpses of bustling cargo vessels. They’ve been breaking down their journey into small goals, a daily challenge that keeps them focused on the here and now!


Ohana - 825NM to go!

Fours · R45 · Team Ohana - Pacific 2023 & Foar From Home - Atlantic 2021

With the wind at their back and swells charting their course, team Ohana is making great progress! They’ve been sharing their path with flying fish and a huge sunfish. They lost an AIS (Automatic Identification System) antennae, which alerts them to the positions of other boats, but they are fixed now!


Under 1,500NM to go!

HODL - 1010NM to go! Leading the Trios

Trio · R45 · HODL

The sun may be unforgiving, and the heat, relentless, but team HODL is proving to be just as unstoppable! Our trio are holding onto their position as leaders of the Trios, and since our last update they have managed to surpass our Fours team Brothers ’N Oars - their motivation is at all time high!


Brothers ’N Oars - 1021NM to go!

Fours · R45 · Brothers N' Oars

Halfway to Kaua’i! Brothers ’N Oars are literally in hot water as warm currents have turned their chilly cabins into hot boxes, the sleeping bags have been put away. With tailwinds in their favour, they're dreaming of Hawaiian manicures to soothe their ocean rower hands.


Row Aurora - 1052NM to go!

Trio · R45 · Row Aurora

Row Aurora is taking everything in stride, even when they hit a massive rogue log that was floating in the Pacific. Flying fish are everywhere - in the mornings the deck is littered! Our trio have experienced the beauty of moonless nights with clear skies, where shooting stars dance across the Milky Way!


Team Antigua Island Girls - 1089NM to go!

Trio · RX45 · Team Antigua Island Girls

The Antigua Island Girls are making fantastic progress as they continue on their epic crossing. They recently had a surprise guest - a spirited little squid who jumped aboard!


Ocean’s 4 - 1224NM to go!

Fours · DOR34 · Ocean's 4

Ocean’s 4 is catching the wind in their sails and making impressive strides! Sore hands are a given in this game, but they’re all taking it in stride, setting their sights northward. A relentless display of strength and spirit!


Aloha Kai - 1261NM to go! Leading the Pairs

Pairs · R25 · Aloha Kai 2023

Aloha Kai is not just battling the seas, but also inconsistent conditions. Despite the whims of the ocean, they are fighting on with tenacity and strength. Each stroke from Owen and Jayme edges them ever closer to Kaua’i.


Pacific Floaters - 1303NM to go!

Pairs · R25 · Pacific.floaters

With winds playing hide and seek, our Pacific Floaters are feeling the strain as they await more favourable conditions. They're a testament to unwavering dedication and tenacity, giving this race everything they've got! Dewey even made time to get into the water and clean their boat.


Flyin’ Fish - 1552NM to go!

Fives · R45 · Team FlyinFish

Amidst the immensity of the ocean, Flyin' Fish has their eyes set on the prize. Every sighting - from ships to whales, to the sunfish - adds to their unforgettable journey. They're planning their moves, setting their waypoints and hoping to catch up with the rest of the fleet!


Row4ALS have safely made it back to the shores of California following their decision to terminate their row.

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